
We live today in a world that is very different from the one we grew up in,the one we were educated in.The world today is changing at such an accelerated rate and we as educators need to contemplate on this entire system of education.Are the schools in our nation well equipped to prepare our students to face the challenges that the future holds ?

We at DPHS work on implementing a well balanced curriculum to make sure that our students are well prepared to face the challenges of life.We constantly strive hard to foster a sense of confidence,creativity,humility,integrity,persistence in our students.

We want to impart education to our students in such a way that they are able to possess a scientific mindset.This truly will help them out in their self-evaluation.Moreover,they will also be able to critically analyse whatever is put before them for learning.They will also be having an idea of where they stand in terms of today’s cut throat competition.

We always make our students realise the importance of moral values and principles in life.We through our tireless efforts inculcate in our students a sense of responsibility towards ownself,parents,society and the nation at large.We pride ourselves to help them grow and develop into sensitive and responsible citizens of our nation.

A committed and supportive management,dedicated teachers,caring and co-operative parents blend harmoniously to create a child-centric school.

I am very sure that through our collaborative efforts,we can achieve more to benefit our students who are the future leaders of tomorrow.

Thank you

Dr. Raghunath Patra

Delhi Public Heritage School